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Reimagining theatre as a game changer in the age of uncertainty: innovation, contributing to society, diversity, and hope.

Our festival aims to explore the interpretation, forms, technology, and execution of theatre, practices for the future and new ways of interaction.

It’s a great opportunity for all of us to learn together and discuss how new technology can be applied to the interdisciplinary collaborations between art and technology and deal with subjects at the cutting edge of the new digital and creative field.

We are excited to witness and research these tendencies in one of the most

innovative and advanced locations worldwide – the city of Tel Aviv.

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Created and produced by the Malenky Theatre, the Tel Aviv International Theatre Festival will be marking its 5th edition this summer...

... hosting creators and theatre troupes from Israel and the world for riveting live stage creation, with countless plays, readings, masterclasses, workshops, and theatre labs.

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